Trend this year than "seven colored parrots" or "color block, has a number of independent colors as the dominant individual
white, orange and especially
color nude there.
The nude color dress rain as the wind began on the 2011 Oscar red carpet and even the post-Oscar party. |
Blog on fashion, nude how to mix color map is also becoming mainstream. It is easy to wear colors, but if you fear it makes her faint, let's combine it with other colors colorful nhé!
Nude colored shirt as a base for the costumes, accessories color block. |
Mix vest skirt neon nude with legs to reduce glare, a secret that we've introduced a lot already. |
You will easily find nude style shirt with thin veil is being sold very much in the fashion shops and even online anymore. |
Color nude elegant fashion and rarely get lost. |
Her 'old country' and the like 'showing off' jewelry
Mix together black is too fine, too. |
Simple and elegant, such as Robert Watson. |
She love you Alix creamy brown skirt with nude how to mix style with red shoes look very interesting! |
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